Personal Injury Law*

Personal Injury law is designed to provide protection and legal rights to the victims who have been physically, mentally or emotionally injured die to the carelessness or wrongdoing of another party. Personal injury laws applies to many different cases, including Cases in which a person acted out as negligent that led to the harm of another person. Some cases of these types are medical malpractice, slip and fall accidents, road traffic accidents, accidents at work and many others.

Relationship with our clients

Our clients are always informed in a timely manner about all developments in their case and of any settlement proposals. Decisions are always made after speaking to our clients and with their full knowledge and acceptance.


We have many years of experience in personal injury compensation claims. We also represent foreign nationals and residents in the territory of Ireland (regardless of nationality) who had road traffic accidents abroad in other EU countries.

We also have experience in representing clients claiming compensation for injuries suffered on board of airplanes or during entering or disembarking from planes. Those claims are governed by special EU Rules and also Montreal Convention.

Important information

Remember that you have two years to claim compensation. That means, that according to statute of limitations, you must commence your action before expiry of two years form the date of accident and injury. It may not be possible after the time expires. There is also another piece of regulation since 2019 which requires you to send a notification of your claim to the party responsible for your injury within ONE month from the date of accident. It shall be sent even if at later stage you will resign from your compensation claim.